Heya USA shnookies and shnookies heading to Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Festival in April of next year. Hands up who’s going what about Palm Springs..? Los Angeles? San Francisco..? Anyone..?
I want to let slip (like letting a fluffy off the chain, only better!) our new MidMod Maven Photography Set located in Downtown Las Vegas Nevada. It’s a new (yet old) 1960’s Midcentury home that has been decked out to the nines. I’m all love heart eyes over here 👉🏼😍👈🏼 hey yeah that’s me..
Some answers to your questions: - Yes, yes that is a floating dining table - Yes, yes that is a crystal curtain (I’m thinking an epic backlight through the crystals as a halo forms around your pretty head peeping through the curtain..) - Yes, yes this is several set designs at the one location (yasssss!) - Yes that double front door is PINK!💖 - Yes they have pink backlighting for their exterior breezeblocks and YASSSSSS you get first dibs on booking this session.
This MidMod Maven Experience Includes:
-:- 1.5 Hour Professional Photography Session -:- Rental of Midcentury Mod Home based in Downtown Las Vegas Nevada USA -:- Model & Photography Permit for Location -:- Basic Refreshments -:- Wardrobe Availability (limited by travel but studio gowns and underbust corsets will be made available in a variety of sizes and colors) -:- Private Online Password Protected Gallery for Proofing and Selection -:- Your selection of 10 Edited Images -:- 4 x Social Media Show Reels -:- 10 x Web Ready Images -:- 10 x 6x4" Professional Lab Printed Images -:- 3 x 5x7" Professional Lab Printed Images -:- 3 x 8x12" Professional Lab Printed Images -:- Rosie Scarf -:- Pearl Davies Merchandise -:- Pearl Davies $50.00 Gift Certificate to Re-Gift or Gift to Yourself
Session deposits are just $149 to secure your spot and we are limited with how many sessions we can do.
So although they are only iPhone images how groovy is this space!
Weeeeeee! 💖
For Session info and booking link: https://www.pearldavies.com/vivalasvegasrockabillyfestival/Midmod-Maven-Viva-Las-Vegas-%24149-00-Deposit-p147471328